Friday, April 15, 2011

Pytash: Jago Ch. 7

This chapter baffled me and is the first chapter that I had to really question Jago's beliefs. I completely agreed with her that teaching takes a much more divine calling that modeling does. The nature of a teachers job is to care, I can't say it's the same for models. (All that comes to mind is the cheesy speeches about world peace and starving children, which are usually riddled with promises that are simply not doable.) So far so good in the chapter. Then Jago begins to discuss testing...

I have pretty strong emotions towards standardized testing, and I can't say I will ever agree that they are good and that they are 100% necessary. However, I do realize that there has to be some way to measure students work and make sure they can compete with other graduates in other areas of the country for education, employment, etc. successfully. I just don't think multiple choice questions are the best way to do this. Yes I know there are short answer and essay questions on these tests but even those are graded strictly, as if only one answer would get points. And now I am back to agreeing with Jago. I will never choose a multiple question test over a creative project or essay. Levels of intelligence need to be measured but at the same time be looked at individual ideas. A creative answer on these tests, that would be studying and discussed in a classroom, will be disregarded and points will be deducted without too much thought. I really hope this changes in tests soon but this is one of the main things that concerns me about teaching in Ohio. Testing reform should be considered for the state. Finally I cannot agree that there should be a national test. I feel that this level of testing would simply become more level one questions and very little time taken to grade the essays seeing as there would be so many to grade. Standards are necessary, just not how they are now being tested.


  1. I am not a fan either of standardized testing. I think too much pressure is put on the students to pass these. In addition, talk about teaching to the test. I feel the whole tenth grade is wasted because the teachers are doing so much prep work for these tests. You're right there has to be a way to measure students work throughout the country without these ridiculous tests!

  2. I also agree that standardized testing is a waste of time. I think students should have to put together a portfolio to graduate high school. They should be able to show what they know in a better way than answering multiple choice questions.

  3. Bo! I really like your idea about the portfolio to get out of high school. My only question, is how could we make it so students aren't doing each other's work? Overall, though I think making a portfolio is a really good idea, and it would help so many students that aren't great test takers express themselves in other ways.

  4. This is such a timely debate. Standardized test were created to make sure all students were learning, but we have created a culture of testing, and in my opinion the climate has shifted from learning to testing.
