Friday, April 29, 2011

FOOT: Bruno Mars!!!!

           Flashfest started this week wonderfully for me with a $5 Bruno Mars concert! This is someone I really love listening to and someone I know many of the students I worked with listen too. There were three other bands there, We The Kings, Another Kind of Buffalo and Plan B featuring a beatboxer Faith SFX. The concert was amazing! The highlight of the evening was very obviously Bruno Mars but there was some shock and awe when Faith SFX took the stage. He is a very talented beatboxer, something I didn't think still existed let alone was cool. (Fast forward a bit in the video to get the whole affect of what he can do! He is amazing!) This got me thinking about all of the talents students view as pointless until they see someone on stage doing it. I would even say this idea can transfer into merchandise and trends. People tend to only want something once someone they idolize wears it, does it, listens to it or promotes it. It would be very interesting to experiment with this in schools. I admitt I am not sure how to promote school without being extremely cheesy but it would be worth a try. All I'm saying is at the concert Bruno Mars played a Ucayali and after the concert many people were talking about taking lessons! If only we could get students this interested in homework.
           The concert also got me thinking about how big name concerts could be incorporated into school. There are plenty of laws and parents who I am sure would protest this idea, but it would be fun and could be educational if handled right. I don;t think this will ever happen because of all of the different tastes in music and problems with parental approval, but none the less I thought why is today's music looked at as less than say 100 A.D. chanting? It is definitely more important to students, maybe it should be important to us. And for those of you who stayed at Firestone for Mr. Parks speech on schools should know what I mean when I say I give him mad props for making this part of school important.

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