Monday, April 25, 2011

Pytash: Final Reflection

This semester has contrasted last semester in many ways for me. First of all this class is very different from the one you taught last semester. I feel like the two classes were the two extremes of teaching and the major point is for us to find out where we stand and who we are as teachers. I am here to tell you that I stand precisely in the middle. I want to include new books and technology but I do not want to lose sight of what literature and language are nor do I want to bore my students with things that they cannot relate to. Neither seems more important in mind, but a good balance could be perfect for all involved. This semester has also taught me how far I will go to make my lessons creative and interesting. I have discovered that I do not mind the work necessary to make a lesson fun. It is all worth it when the students walk away with new knowledge and a great experience. Besides this semester being very informative it has been very busy. This factor alone should have turned me away from taking the more time consuming path on many of my assignments, but it didn't. If anything it just made me work harder to get everything right. Finally this semester has taught what a balancing act teaching is going to be. My life in and out of school must balance and my social life has to accept my career. I don't mind any of this, but it is definitely going to take some work to get it all right. I am looking forward to putting my observations of myself and my teaching beliefs to the test in the next few semesters.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree that the two semesters were two different extremes. I want to be in the middle as well. I think that Jago's take on classic literature is way to extreme. Being in the middle and using both classic literature and YA literature will help students see connections between the texts. I think that this will help them be able to better connect the classic literature to their lives.
