Saturday, February 26, 2011

Foot Grease

I just saw one of the best productions by the Kent State Drama Department today, GREASE!!!!!!
I really love the movie and have seen it in play form many times but have not yet seen one this good. I really enjoyed the entire experience and really wish I had seen it last weekend so I could get the word out sooner that you should see it if you can. Unfortunately tomorrow is the last showing in the Stump theater on campus. (If anyone doesn't know where that is I can give directions if you need/want.) Tickets are $8 for students $16 for the general public. The theater department puts on two plays a semester and they are almost always good. (So far I have seen Oklahoma!, Grapes of Wrath and Grease.) Hamlet is being performed this April if anyone would like to go. It really is great fun and it helps the theater department if you go see it. As future English teachers I think this opportunity to see another form of literature, especially since this is a multi-modal class, is a great one. Click the link to the theater department above to see what events are coming up if you are interested and explore the site I know many of my friends didn't even know KSU had a theater. And just for fun watch the video above to put you in a good mood with good memories, hopefully, of high school.


  1. I am totally jealous! By the time I went to go buy tickets, they were sold out on the day I was free. In the future I really want to take my future students to see a play and would love if I could bring them to KSU. I would love to be able to bring them to a play or musical and then set up a group tour with the admissions office and show them a college. I think that it might help students get excited about college and help give them a goal to work toward.

  2. I couldn't agree more motivation is key to education and getting what you want out of life.
